Sunday 18 September 2016

Thinking about... the rules for learning

This post presents my previous four posts on the 'rules for learning' into one, easy to digest, table. 

The table includes a definition for learning. It sounds obvious but all teachers should really share a common definition of what learning actually is. 

The table outlines a summary of of how learning occurs. I, myself, did not know enough about how my pupils actually learn and I believe that this it true of the majority of my colleagues and the profession as a whole. 

The remainder of the table presents the rules of learning. Each of the eight rules clearly links back to the summary of how learning occurs, includes a brief explanation and outlines some strategies of what this might look like in the classroom.   

The Rules for Learning

For more detailed information on the above rules please read the four blogs below:

  • Part One - An introduction to the rules of learning and a summary of how learning occurs. 
  • Part Two - Rules one, two and three. 
  • Part Three - Rules four, five and six. 
  • Part Four - Rules seven and eight. 

Please consider that I do not claim to be an expert on cognitive research. I am simply documenting the discoveries of my journey (so far) in the hope that colleagues will join me in the attempt to becoming more aware of what really makes a difference to learning. Please get in touch and let me know your thoughts and/or direct me to what I am still yet to discover. 


  1. This is really interesting. I'm definitely going to give this a good look.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated! I hope you find it useful.

  2. Hi Steve, I think this is great. My colleagues and I were discussing this very topic on Monday. I don't know if you know my colleague Oliver Caviglioli (?) . He was asked to illustrate some work being done in this area by cog sci profs at Uni of Massachusetts in the US. You can download it here ( follow link at top). The materials are aimed at students but we have subsequently been asked to create some HOW2s for teachers. The overlap with your work is strong. Meantime I'll forward the link to Yana and Megan ( the profs)
    Thanks Steve
